A Bit About Me:  
I am a Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (CMEC) pastor,
clinical pastoral care practitioner, certified life coach,
and certified police chaplain. I also have the privilege
of serving in other capacities, including as the
Chairperson of The Committee on Ministerial Examination for the South Georgia Region of the CMEC, a prison chaplain, and I bring to our journey my experience as a ministry leader, correctional Behavior Health Counselor, rape victim advocate, a corporate IT executive, youth pastor, and theological scholar. I have a Master of Divinity from the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, GA, and a BA in Business Administration from Bloomfield College in Bloomfield, NJ. But perhaps more importantly, I am a woman, mother, spouse, grandmother, sister, aunt, daughter, and granddaughter with real-life experiences, wounds, scars, testimonies, and lived lessons learned for living in my wealthy place.Getting to that Wealthy Place in five key areas of life was journey. When I say getting there was a journey. Gurl, I mean it. God has blessed me with levels of success, authority, and responsibility, but I know what it means to be a kept woman. Not kept by men or institutions, but kept by the hand of God. My mountain top stories are not absent from valley-low experiences or even painful seasons.

I know how painful it is for your life to spiral out of control leaving you with feelings of disconnect, disappointment, and distance between you and God is calling you to be.I have experienced a bro ken marriage, failing career, disillusioned sense of self, and feeling that God is so far away all while faithful serving in church leadership. I know what it’s like to put on that happy face and help other people with their life issues, personal development, and yes, their relationship with God all while feeling unfulfilled and orphaned to the power of the Holy Spirit and disenfranchised from the Voice of God. I also know what it is like to overcome such difficult seasons spiritually stronger than ever.

I want you to know that I didn’t get here riding solo. God put people in life all along the way to help me, to direct me, to encourage me, to push me, and to lead me. God provided circles of protection, avenues of resources, and spaces of power to help me move beyond the weight of my past, the nay sayers, and the haters. People in these circles, avenues, and spaces helped me to overcome negative self-talk, fears, and challenges so that I could press forward to the preferred future that God wants for me. I know God has blessed me so that I can bless others who are struggling with becoming who God is calling them to be.  The time is now, let the journey begin.  (Phil 3:14).


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